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I wish there are more choices. If memory serves right, I only had 2 "choices". I suppose there'll be more choices in future updates.

Also, I know most long-term couples (6+ mos.) won't be sweet & cheesy all the time because they're past that stage but I wish there are more romantic sequences. It seems like they're talking to each others as if they're friends with the occasional reminder that they're a couple through expositions or by monologue. 

Spoiler: the ending was fine, it just feels like "V" (so I won't spoil) is a Deus Ex Machina. Appearing right when the 'villain' won without any build up.

Edit: I forgot to mention that sources for music & sound effects aren't in the credits here on the itch io page

OK, I'll address your concerns one by one.

Re: More choices: I've written this to be a kinetic novel all along. I put in those choices to appease the "more choices =  better" crowd.

Re: More romantic sequences: Hmm... due to the time limits, I didn't emphasize those sequences to show how lovey-dovey the couple are. I may have to address that in the next update, which will be released next month.

Re: The ending: Yeah, I admit it's an abrupt twist. I may have to address this too in the next update.

Re: BGM and SFX: They're already credited in the in-game credits sequence, so that's that.

About the more choices, I just meant like the chance to find alternative endings. As it is a playable novel, I was hoping to find more 'secrets' or background stories for the characters. Although I understand you have your own way of story telling and it's not applicable to every visual novel.

I'm excited for more dialogues. Sorry I didn't mean like I wanted more lovey-dovey dialogues, I just meant lines where they feel like they know each other very well to the point it's adorable. I like the line at the end where [spoiler] Patty gave him a mouse. I think it would be sweet to see these interactions more often.

I'd like to know how you'll give more background about V and the villain. They're very interesting characters. I think a spin-off starring V would be interesting too.

About the audio credits, I just meant they weren't easily available/visible; I was writing down which music I like among the games I tried for the community voting so I was looking for them. I really like your choice of music. I think the ending song was spot on with the happy ending.

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Regarding V and the villain Severus, the upcoming update will also feature two extra stories that will be unlocked once you complete the game.

that sounds awesome! can't wait :D

As requested, here's version 1.1, which is hopefully the final definitive version.